Monday, June 3, 2013

J.Crew Maritime Anchor Dress

Last year, I went to J.Crew to try and find a dress for my graduation party, and I did. In fact, I found two.  Both were navy blue striped (my favorite color combo) and both were long sleeved. The only difference: the price tag. Stupidly, I bought the less expensive one even though it would've been one of my greatest regrets in life (I know it sounds stupid). 

Well, here's me wearing the BEAUTIFUL J.Crew Maritime Anchor Dress: 

See how happy I was?! Ugh, I wish I never bought that other dress because something extremely tragic then happened to that dress. Well, I bought a pair of salmon colored jeans and put them into the wash for the first time with my navy and white striped dress and the jeans bled all over the load. It was a very depressing day for me. I actually cried. I lost a lot of great clothes to those pants. But, they do make my butt look fantastic.

So, there is an opportunity for me to bid for the dress on eBay, shall I do it?! Message me or whatever. 

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