Monday, April 29, 2013


As the school year is winding down, it's becoming more and more real that my first year of college is in the books. Where has the time gone? 

This year has definitely taught me a lot. It taught me a lot about people and learning who people really are and how where they come from really affects who they become. I've learned to take many steps back to examine situations. 

What this year has certainly taught me is that people aren't always what they seem. The first year of college is absolutely about impressing people and making as many friends as possible. As time goes on, however, their true colors come out. I made many friends this year, and lost many, too. 

Life is all about learning. Accepting the fact that learning is one thing that one will always be doing, is how one grows. I've learned that life is all about moments, and the people you share those moments are the most important at the time, but those moments are soon gone and so are the people. 

I am content with my life right now.  I know that I am going to do many important things in life and I am going to be successful.  I cannot wait to have the last laugh.

Remember: Your horizons are always expanding. Never close your eyes. 

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